Building XPMP2 and the Sample Plugin

The XPMP2 Library and the [XPMP2-Sample plugin]/https://github.com/TwinFan/XPMP2-Sample) are now two separate GitHub repositories.

It is recommended that you include XPMP2 as a submodule in your project.

The XPMP2-Sample repo is configured as a Public Template, so you can immediately base your own project on it. Please note that XPMP2-Sample includes XPMP2 as a submodule, so you need to checkout those, too, e.g. on the command line by doing

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/TwinFan/XPMP2-Sample

Build options

Both repositories share many similarities when it comes to building. There are four options to build from sources:

Options Windows MacOS (universal) Linux
IDE Visual Studio 2022 XCode 12 -
Docker Mingw64 clang, SDK 12 Focal and Bionic
CMake VS 2022 / NMAKE XCode 12 / ninja Focal and Bionic / ninja
Github Actions Visual Studio 2022 XCode 12 Focal

Using an IDE


Results are in build-win.


My development environment is Mac OS, so expect the XCode environment to be maintained best. Open XPMP2.xcodeproj resp. XPMP2-Sample.xcodeproj in XCode.

In the XPMP2-Sample XCode Build Settings you may want to change the definition of the User-Defined build macro XPLANE11_ROOT: Put in the path to your X-Plane 11 installation’s root path, then the XPMP2 binaries will be installed right there in the appropriate Resources/plugins sub-folder structure.

Using Docker

Docker environments based on Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 are used, which can build all 3 platforms, Linux even in two flavors.

The following make targets are available:

Find results in the respective build-<platform> folder, the XPMP2 library right there, the Sample plugins in their proper <platform>_x64 subfolder.

For more details and background information on the provided Docker environments see the docker/README.md.

Using CMake

Given a proper local setup with a suitable compiler, CMake, and Ninja installed, you can just locally build the sources from the CMakeList.txt file, e.g. like this:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..

This is precicely how the Mac and Linux builds are done in Github Actions.

Using Gitub Actions

The GitHub workflow .github/workflows/build.yml builds the plugin in GitHubs CD/CI environment. build.yml calls a number of custom composite actions available in .github/actions, each coming with its own README.md.

The workflow builds Linux, MacOS, and Windows plugin binaries and provides them as artifacts, so you can download the result from the Actions tab on GitHub.

Apple: Sign and Notiarize

The Apple build of the XPMP2-Sample plugin can be signed and notarized, provided that the following Repository Secrets are defined in the repository’s settings (Settings > Secrets > Actions):

Including XPMP2 directly in GitHub project and CMake builds

You can avoid separate builds and instead include XPMP2 directly into your project. Recommended steps are:

  1. Include XPMP2 as a Github Submodule into your Github project, using something like
     git submodule add --name XPMP2 'https://github.com/TwinFan/XPMP2' lib/XPMP2

    To update your local version with changes from the XPMP2 repository run something like

     git submodule update --remote
  2. In your CMakeLists.txt file include XPMP2 using something like the following in appropriate places:
    1. If needing FMOD sound support first define
       set (INCLUDE_FMOD_SOUND 1)              
       target_sources(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} lib/XPMP2/lib/fmod/logo/FMOD_Logo.cpp)
    2. Including building XPMP2 as follows:
       add_dependencies(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} XPMP2)
       target_link_libraries(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} XPMP2)