X-Plane multiplayer library 2 - using instancing
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Utilities.h File Reference

Miscellaneous utility functions, including logging. More...

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#define PATH_DELIM_STD   '/'
#define WHITESPACE   " \t\f\v\r\n"
 To apply printf-style warnings to our functions. More...
#define LOG_MSG(lvl, ...)
 Log a message if lvl is greater or equal currently defined log level. More...
#define LOG_MATCHING(lvl, ...)
 Log a message about matching if logging of model matching is enabled. More...
#define THROW_ERROR(...)   throw XPMP2Error(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, __VA_ARGS__);
 Throws an exception using XPMP2Error. More...
#define LOG_ASSERT(cond)
 Throw in an assert-style (logging takes place in XPMP2Error constructor) More...
#define CATCH_AC(ac)
 Standard catch clauses for dealing with aircraft: logs message, sets aircraft invalid. More...
#define STRCPY_S(dest, src)   strncpy_s(dest,sizeof(dest),src,sizeof(dest)-1)
 Simpler access to strncpy_s if dest is a char array (not a pointer!) More...
#define STRCPY_ATMOST(dest, src)   strncpy_s(dest,sizeof(dest),strAtMost(src,sizeof(dest)-1).c_str(),sizeof(dest)-1)
#define SET_THREAD_NAME(sName)


enum  XPMP2::logLevelTy {
  XPMP2::logDEBUG = 0 , XPMP2::logINFO , XPMP2::logWARN , XPMP2::logERR ,
  XPMP2::logFATAL , XPMP2::logMSG
 Logging level. More...


int XPMP2::PrefsFuncIntDefault (const char *, const char *, int _default)
 Default config function just always returns the provided default value. More...
bool XPMP2::ExistsFile (const std::string &filename)
 Does a file path exist? More...
bool XPMP2::IsDir (const std::string &path)
 Is path a directory? More...
bool XPMP2::CreateDir (const std::string &path)
 Create directory if it does not exist. More...
bool XPMP2::CopyFileIfNewer (const std::string &source, const std::string &destDir)
 Copy file if source is newer or destination missing. More...
std::list< std::string > XPMP2::GetDirContents (const std::string &path)
 List of files in a directory (wrapper around XPLMGetDirectoryContents) More...
std::istream & XPMP2::safeGetline (std::istream &is, std::string &t)
 Read a line from a text file, no matter if ending on CRLF or LF. More...
const std::string & XPMP2::GetXPSystemPath ()
 Returns XP's system directory, including a trailing slash. More...
std::string XPMP2::StripXPSysDir (const std::string &path)
 If a path starts with X-Plane's system directory it is stripped. More...
void XPMP2::RemoveExtension (std::string &path)
 Removes everything after the last dot, the dot including. More...
std::string & XPMP2::str_tolower (std::string &s)
 change a std::string to uppercase More...
std::string & XPMP2::rtrim (std::string &s, const char *t=WHITESPACE)
 trimming of string (from right) More...
std::string & XPMP2::ltrim (std::string &s, const char *t=WHITESPACE)
 trimming of string (from left) More...
std::string & XPMP2::trim (std::string &s, const char *t=WHITESPACE)
 trimming of string (from both ends) More...
std::string XPMP2::leftOf (const std::string &s, const std::string &terminators)
 Returns everything left of any of terminators. More...
std::vector< std::string > XPMP2::str_tokenize (const std::string s, const std::string tokens, bool bSkipEmpty=true)
 separates string into tokens More...
bool XPMP2::fequal (float a, float b)
 Are these two float near-equal? (to avoid trying something like a == b) More...
template<class T >
XPMP2::rad2deg (const T _rad)
 Convert radians to degrees, normalized to [0..360) More...
template<class T >
XPMP2::deg2rad (const T _deg)
 Convert degree to radians. More...
template<class T >
XPMP2::sqr (const T a)
 Square. More...
template<class T >
XPMP2::dist (const T x1, const T y1, const T z1, const T x2, const T y2, const T z2)
 Pythagorean distance between two points in a 3-D world. More...
float XPMP2::atan2deg (float x, float y)
 atan2 converted to degrees: the angle between (0|0) and the given point More...
float XPMP2::angleLocCoord (float x1, float z1, float x2, float z2)
 Angle of line from point (x1|z1) to point (x2|z2) More...
float XPMP2::headDiff (float head1, float head2)
 (Shortest) difference between 2 angles: How much to turn to go from h1 to h2? More...
template<class numT >
numT XPMP2::headNormalize (numT _head)
 Normalize a heading value to [0..360), works for both float and double values. More...
std::valarray< float > XPMP2::HeadPitch2Vec (const float head, const float pitch)
 Convert heading/pitch to normalized x/y/z vector. More...
std::valarray< float > XPMP2::HeadPitchRoll2Normal (const float head, const float pitch, const float roll)
 Convert heading/pitch/roll to unit and normal vector, ie. returns 6 values, first 3 like HeadPitch2Vec, second three the normal vector (pointing "up") More...
float XPMP2::GetMiscNetwTime ()
 Get synched network time from X-Plane (sim/network/misc/network_time_sec) as used in Log.txt. More...
std::string XPMP2::GetMiscNetwTimeStr (float _time=NAN)
 Return the network time as a string like used in the XP's Log.txt. More...
const char * XPMP2::GetGraphicsDriverTxt ()
 Text string for current graphics driver in use. More...
bool XPMP2::IsPaused ()
 X-Plane in a Pause state? More...
bool XPMP2::IsViewExternal ()
 Is current X-Plane view an external view (outside a cockpit)? More...
bool XPMP2::CheckEverySoOften (float &_lastCheck, float _interval, float _now)
 Convenience function to check on something at most every x seconds. More...
bool XPMP2::CheckEverySoOften (float &_lastCheck, float _interval)
 Convenience function to check on something at most every x seconds. More...
const char * XPMP2::LogGetString (const char *szFile, int ln, const char *szFunc, logLevelTy lvl, const char *szMsg, va_list args)
 Returns ptr to static buffer filled with formatted log string. More...
void XPMP2::LogMsg (const char *szFile, int ln, const char *szFunc, logLevelTy lvl, const char *szMsg,...) XPMP2_FMTARGS(5)
 Log Text to log file. More...
std::string XPMP2::TOPOSIX (const std::string &p)
 On Lin/Win there is no need for a conversion, but we do treat p now as std::string More...
std::string XPMP2::FROMPOSIX (const std::string &p)
 On Lin/Win there is no need for a conversion, but we do treat p now as std::string More...


constexpr const char * XPMP2::RSRC_RELATED = "related.txt"
constexpr const char * XPMP2::RSRC_REL_OP = "relOp.txt"
constexpr const char * XPMP2::RSRC_DOC8643 = "Doc8643.txt"
constexpr const char * XPMP2::RSRC_MAP_ICONS = "MapIcons.png"
constexpr const char * XPMP2::RSRC_OBJ8DATAREFS = "Obj8DataRefs.txt"
constexpr double XPMP2::PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
 Pi. More...
constexpr float XPMP2::EPSILON_F = 0.00001f
 Epsilon, a small number. More...

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous utility functions, including logging.

Birger Hoppe

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CATCH_AC (   ac)
catch (const std::exception& e) { \
(ac).SetInvalid(); \
} \
catch (...) { \
LOG_MSG(logFATAL, ERR_EXCEPTION, "<unknown>"); \
(ac).SetInvalid(); \
Definition: Utilities.h:31
@ logFATAL
fatal is shortly before a crash
Definition: Utilities.h:254

Standard catch clauses for dealing with aircraft: logs message, sets aircraft invalid.






#define LOG_ASSERT (   cond)
if (!(cond)) { \
#define ERR_ASSERT
Definition: Utilities.h:30

Throw in an assert-style (logging takes place in XPMP2Error constructor)

This conditional check always takes place, independend of any build or logging settings!


#define LOG_MATCHING (   lvl,
{ \
if (XPMP2::glob.bLogMdlMatch && lvl >= glob.logLvl) \
{LogMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, lvl, __VA_ARGS__);} \
void LogMsg(const char *szPath, int ln, const char *szFunc, logLevelTy lvl, const char *szMsg,...)
Log Text to log file.
Definition: Utilities.cpp:866
GlobVars glob
The one and only global variable structure.
Definition: Utilities.cpp:29
logLevelTy logLvl
Logging level.
Definition: XPMP2.h:139

Log a message about matching if logging of model matching is enabled.

First parameter after lvl must be the message text, which can be a format string with its parameters following like in sprintf


#define LOG_MSG (   lvl,
{ \
if (lvl >= XPMP2::glob.logLvl) \
{LogMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, lvl, __VA_ARGS__);} \

Log a message if lvl is greater or equal currently defined log level.

First parameter after lvl must be the message text, which can be a format string with its parameters following like in sprintf


#define PATH_DELIM_STD   '/'


#define SET_THREAD_NAME (   sName)


#define STRCPY_ATMOST (   dest,
)    strncpy_s(dest,sizeof(dest),strAtMost(src,sizeof(dest)-1).c_str(),sizeof(dest)-1)


#define STRCPY_S (   dest,
)    strncpy_s(dest,sizeof(dest),src,sizeof(dest)-1)

Simpler access to strncpy_s if dest is a char array (not a pointer!)


#define THROW_ERROR (   ...)    throw XPMP2Error(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, __VA_ARGS__);

Throws an exception using XPMP2Error.

First parameter after lvl must be the message text, which can be a format string with its parameters following like in sprintf


#define WHITESPACE   " \t\f\v\r\n"


#define XPMP2_FMTARGS (   FMT)

To apply printf-style warnings to our functions.

See also
Taken from imgui.h's definition of IM_FMTARGS