X-Plane multiplayer library 2 - using instancing
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 XPCAircraft.hXPMP2::Aircraft / XPCAircraft represent an aircraft as managed by XPMP2
 XPMPAircraft.hXPMP2::Aircraft represent an aircraft as managed by XPMP2
 XPMPMultiplayer.hInitialization and general control functions for XPMP2
 XPMPPlaneRenderer.hRendering functions
 XPMPRemote.hSemi-public remote network functionality for master/client operations
 2D.cppImplementation of 2-D routines, like drawing aircraft labels
 2D.hDefinitions of 2-D routines, like drawing aircraft labels
 AIMultiplayer.cppImplementation of serving TCAS target dataRef updates
 AIMultiplayer.hDefinitions for serving TCAS target dataRef updates
 Aircraft.cppXPMP2::Aircraft represents an aircraft as managed by XPMP2
 Aircraft.hAdditional definitions beyond what public XPCAircraft defines
 Contrail.cppManages contrails for an aircraft
 Contrail.hManages contrails for an aircraft
 CSLCopy.cppCopy .obj file just before loading, to replace dataRefs and texture
 CSLModels.cppManaging CSL Models, including matching and loading
 CSLModels.hManaging CSL Models, including matching and loading
 Map.cppImplementation for creating the map layer
 Map.hDefinitions for creating the map layer
 Network.cppLow-level network communications, especially for TCP/UDP
 Network.hLow-level network communications, especially for TCP/UDP
 RelatedDoc8643.cppReading of supporting text files:
 RelatedDoc8643.hReading of supporting text files:
 Remote.cppMaster/Client communication for aircraft synchronization on remote networked instances
 Remote.hMaster/Client communication for aircraft synchronization on remote networked instances
 Sound.cppSound for aircraft
 Sound.hSound for aircraft, based on XPLMSound
 Utilities.cppMiscellaneous utility functions, including logging
 Utilities.hMiscellaneous utility functions, including logging
 XPMP2.hHeader file covering all includes required for compiling XPMP2, basis for pre-compiled headers
 XPMPMultiplayer.cppInitialization and general control functions for XPMP2